Dr. Pribila was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He earned his physical therapy degree in the Netherlands. In continuing to further his skill level; Dr. Pribila completed his Doctorate of Science (DSc) degree in physical therapy at Andrews University. He completed his first manual therapy certification (CMP); through world renowned New Zealand physical therapist Brian Mulligan. His second manual therapy certification (CMPT) was through the prestigious North American Institute of Manual Therapy. Dr. Pribila also has extensive training in industrial rehab and is a Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist (CEAS). This credentialing signifies advanced training in job site analysis and worksite evaluation. Dr. Pribila is certified through the American Institute of Balance in post-concussion management and treatment. He has completed a level 2 certification in (SFMA) Selective Functional Movement Assessment through Functional Movement Systems, and is certified in (IASTM) Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization.

Professional highlights include the rehabilitation of many professional athletes throughout the country as well as serving as a physical therapist for the Broadway show The Producers. Dr. Pribila has completed extensive research demonstrating successful treatment of cervicogenic headaches. He proudly serves on Keiser University’s PTA program’s advisory board and has lectured nationally on diverse topics in physical therapy and wellness.